Stacey With An “e”

Logo copyThis is Stacey’s latest venture! She’s slowly “retiring” from counseling and concentrating more on writing, editing and web design. Fortunately, Living Self-Care fits into the “writing” portion of this transition and she will always have a finger on the pulse of Self-Care and postpartum mood disorder advocacy.

About writing:

I have always loved to write and am pretty darn good at it, if I do say so myself. One of my English teachers in college once told me that I should, “Quit school now and go write the next Great American Novel!” That obviously didn’t happen (yet), but I have written quite a lot over the years. In 2007, I self-published a book called What About Me? A Simple Guide to Self-Care in the 21st Century. I know there’s another book in me, but it hasn’t taken shape quite yet.

 About editing:

I have been the “go to” person for editing for my friends, family and colleagues for over a decade. I have been accused of being a “Grammar Nazi” (though I prefer the term Grammar Goddess) many, many, many times. It’s a gift and a curse because I can’t help but notice spelling and grammar mistakes. It also bugs me when something doesn’t sound right or doesn’t convey the message that it’s intended to. So, I guess I am a little OCD about these things, which makes me a great editor, but an annoying person to be around. I am well-read and love to read for fun. I’m currently into non-fiction, memoirs and biographies and I hope to never stop learning!

About web design:

I have quite a long history of developing websites. From 1995 – 2000, I worked at Rosetta, Inc., a gaming software development company. It is no longer in business, but being there gave me the opportunity to build and maintain my own employee web page on their site. To do so, I had to teach myself HTML. Eventually, I was promoted to be Rosetta’s Webmaster.

In 2000, I left the company to go back to school to get my Masters in Clinical Psychology. During this time, I kept my own website and even did a couple of others for people I knew. I graduated in 2002 and went to work in the mental health field as a therapist. I created and maintained my own website, and its current incarnation can be viewed at

After 10+ years as a counselor, I felt my love of writing, editing and web work tugging harder at me. Currently, I am moving towards retirement from the mental health field and ramping back up as a writer and website designer/manager. I look back to 1995, when I coded websites by hand using HTML, and marvel at how far technology has come! I am a big fan of WordPress, but I can use just about any site design software, service (such as GoDaddy and SiteBuilder) and even can still code manually.

Visit Stacey’s new website at to see samples of her work. She may be contacted via email at or via phone/text at 713.417.0749.

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