Diane’s Book

In their groundbreaking Postpartum Survival Guide, Dr. Ann Dunnewold and Dr. Diane Sanford shattered the silence about the enormous emotional challenges of postpartum adjustment and motherhood. Now, in “Life Will Never Be The Same: The Real Mom’s Postpartum Survival Guide,” they present their clinically-proven strategies for surviving and thriving during both the post-birth period and a lifetime of motherhood.

For the past 25 years, Drs. Dunnewold and Sanford have devoted their careers to helping women lead healthier, more balanced lives.  “Life Will Never Be the Same: The Real Mom’s Postpartum Survival Guide” is the first in a series of books about motherhood and emotional health, which  provides their detailed self-care plan for surviving post-birth changes. Although much attention is paid to physical health during pregnancy and post-birth, they know from counseling hundreds of moms that emotional health is just as critical, if not more!

Read excerpts from the book.

Because Drs. Dunnewold and Sanford believe that practicing self-care is the cornerstone of emotional health for moms and all women, they decided to design an online self-care site which would be easy for women to practice in their daily lives.  While “Life Will Never Be the Same” inspired LIVING Self-Care, the tips, information, exercises and affirmations are unique and distinct from content in the book. Like the book, LIVING Self-Care is an opportunity to learn that self-care enhances women’s health and well-being and gives them more energy to meet the demands of their busy lives.

In 2010, Dr. Dunnewold could no longer participate, so Dr. Sanford recruited self-care expert Stacey Glaesmann to take Dr. Dunnewold’s place. Stacey brings a new voice and perspective to the site, yet is very aligned with Dr. Sanford and the purpose of LIVING Self-Care!

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2 thoughts on “Diane’s Book

  1. I LOVE this idea!! I wish we could all do this a little bit every day. Well, we can, but we tend to not. I don’t know if you know, but I self-published a little book called “What About Me? A Simple Guide to Self Care in the 21st Century.” It’s available for purchase on my website, but if you guys would like a copy, just send me an email with your address.

  2. It’s so wonderful that the concept of self-care is starting to get practiced and encouraged amongst women and in particular mothers. When I was recovering
    from postpartum depression, using only natural and holistic methods, I came across this concept and started to do small things every day that were loving and inspiring to myself. It was my “it only takes 5 minutes a day” motto. It made a huge impact for me.
    Thanks for writing this book!
    Mari @ http://www.mamashine.net

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